Monday, 29 January 2007
Still somewhere in Ko Samui...
Thursday, 25 January 2007
Somewhere in Ko Samui....
Let us know how are you doing in wintery and snowy Europe or wherever you are:)
Tuesday, 23 January 2007
Somewhere in Chiang Mai....
Next day in the morning we caught a plane to Bangkok and from there a train to Ayutthaya - city of thousands of temples, fantastic night market with great food and not such great hotels.:)
Anyway.... we ended up for 4 days in Chiang Mai (north of Thailand), where it is good to have jeans and pullover in the evening and where we tried for the first time Couch surfing possibility (thanks Kubicku!). There is an American couple (Daniel & Kelly), who kindly offered us their guest room for two days (they live in Chiang Mai for two years already). It was great, you do see the town from completely different perspective! We have visited an umbrella factory, night bazaar (the skills to reduce prices of goods were very good here), flower festival (special section for my parents - tak by se vam tam libilo, orchidej za orchideji! Urcite budu mit pozdeji vice fotek) and we have seen another million of temples.... I think we start loosing track of the names! Today we have been on a tour with Elephant safari, visited village of a northern tribe and finished the trip with bamboo rafting,which soaked us completely.... Anyway it was really fun!
Tomorrow morning we are heading towards south.... Train from Chiang Mai at 8:30 am, arriving to Bangkok at 21:00 and continuing from there directly to Ko Samui (3rd biggest island in Thailand). So we are almost ready for 24 hours long train journey (no sleeping this time!) and we will let you know how the send is white and what amazing sunsets we will be experiencing again....
Saturday, 20 January 2007
Somewhere in a train to Chiang Mai
"I know Luis Figo and Cristiano Ronaldo" he proudly announces, about the twentieth time I hear their names when I make my nationality known. They are the modern-day ambassadors of Portugal to the world, footballers taking over the brave men whose bones are neatly arranged before me in their graves buried so far from home - who introduced to the Thais a number of portuguese deserts which I recognise in the Thai stalls still today, and even bread, called "pang" in Thai, pronounced like in portuguese.
Late in the evening, we are in the Ayutthaya train station, backpags in hand, on our way North to Chiang Mai, a 12-hour overnight journey. "Hey, Luis Figo!" the stationmaster calls out to me, "your train is the next one!" We are on our way!
Thursday, 18 January 2007
Somewhere in the year 2550....
Monday, 15 January 2007
Still somewhere in Siem Reap...

Now we will go and enjoy our hotel, which we prebooked in France and it feels like holidays (this is definitely not a place for backpackers - but it is nice to have a nice place to stay)...
Takze mili ctenari, teste se na historky o neexistujicich silnicich a lidech zijicich v domech na vode. Verte mi, ze bych si zde vzala kazde dite domu a vychovala bych ho podle evropskych standartu - otazka je ale - jestli by jim bylo lip. Asi ne.... Kambodia se vubec neda srovnavat s Thajskem. Nevedela jsem, co ocekavat a kulturni sok, ktery jsem zazila, si budu urcite pamatovat. Nenechte se vyvest z omylu - chramy v Angkoru a plovouci vesnice jsou uzasny a opravdu si budete pripadat jako v dokumentu na BBC nebo Discovery channel, ale ta prava Kambodia ma jeste mnoho co dohanet....
Sunday, 14 January 2007
Somewhere in Siam Reap
The drive from Bangkok to Siam Reap (Angkor's nearest city) was in itself the most adventurous, and simultaneously the worst travel, we have ever been in (brought back memories of that back-slapping adventure and a nasty doctor 28 years ago!). We had to change buses at the border, for a number of reasons: opportunity to sell more things like food and drinks, etc., but mainly because the road from the Thai border to Siam Reap is absolutely non-existent, a rollercoaster ride which I will certainly recommend to implement to the Disneyland Resort manager once we are in Orlando. And I can assure you, this would be the scariest ride you have ever been in, 3 hours of back-breaking, suspension-cracking, dust-infected, 20-years old taxi ride - and this was the best option - we met up with some Fins with whom we organised the above mentioned taxi, otherwise the rest of the bunch from Thailand was stuck 21 people in a normal-sized pickup truck on a 6 hours journey which changed the colour of their skin, hair, backpags and probably even the typically white cells in their blood a disgusting hue of orange.
And why did we go through all this hell? Simply for this:
Angkor is truly the eight wonder in the world, and although it is hard to convey just how beautiful it is we hope that the photos we will at some stage upload will do justice to the magic of the ancient place, with its enigmatic faces looking out of imposing temples, amazing real-estate I tell you! (incidentally the photos on Ko Chang are all uploaded)
Plans have yet changed again incidentally. Bureaucratic reasons forced us to do a "small" detour to Phnon Penh, the capital of Cambodja. This should allows us for a 6-hour bus across this enigmatic country of Cambodja, and from then we catch the local RyanAir (called Air Asia) flight back to Bangkok, from where we move on straight away to the north of Thailand, more precisely Ayutthaya and Chiang Mai.
Until then, we have two more days of temple hopping in Angkor, with our private tuk-tuk driver named Boner (no joke!)
Wednesday, 10 January 2007
Somewhere in Ko Chang..
Otherwise we have finally taken this opportunity to finally wind down, forget what day of the week it is, just focus on sun, beach, sea and lovely thai food (a restaurant near our bungalow, a lovely one run by a german lady, serves delicious food for 25 bath, around 50 cents, which means that so far our budget has been seeing a most lovely surplus and no Western Union help is required).
We will be leaving this green paradise friday - a boat trip back to the mainland then a long bus trip back to Bangkok. The day after, early in the morning, we head off to see the Angkor ruins in Cambodja. We shall keep you posted.
Greetings from Ko Chang!
And now for a small czech interlude...
Tak tohle je nase uzasna plaz, kde travime tento tyden. Blue lagoon si urcite zaslouzila svoje jmeno, je to kousek od plaze, 11 schovanych bungalowu a k spanku urcite nepotrebujeme nic do usi a spime jako zabiti (je to hezky rozdil k Bangkoku). Sloni ostrov, thajsky preklad jmena, ma nejen slony, ale taky uzasny lesy a ruzny hmyzy, ktery me vyvadi z miry (podivejte se na ty fotky - to je nevetsi jester, kteryho jsem kdy videla:)
JInak se jdu ucit varit (jak rika Pedro - konecne!), podivejte se na
tak se zatim mejte krasne, ja se zase ozvu, a ne abyste mi opravovali chyby, je to fakt tezky (snazim se:)
Thursday, 4 January 2007
Somewhere in Krung thep mahanakhon amorn ratanakosin mahintharayutthaya mahadilok pop ...
Monday, 1 January 2007
Somewhere in Khao San Road
Oh, and we have just realised today is the first working day after the Christmas break. Oh darn!