That is much easier than looking for kangaroos in Australia! They are everywhere... With the gorgeous sceneries and deep lakes of New Zealand it is soo easy to look for them... :-)
We left Dunedin, where we had a great couch surfing host Anne & Andy and start driving through the national park Caitlins towards our destination Milford Sound. It is soo easy to drive and to navigate in New Zealand, which is very fortunate for Lenka as her map reading skills need some development. But you really can't get lost if there is just one road to the town and you have to take this road back as well... So far - no problems! The only problem we had was with our lovely car. It decided to give us a bit of sorrows on Easter Monday, when everything was closed... To describe it easily (as well for the non car experts) - the keys in the ignition got stuck and we couldn't take them out. Pedro tried, I tried, the lady from the motel tried, her husband.... and I could continue like this until Christmas:) We called the rental company to see how is their customer service business going and were pleasantly surprised as they found someone for us who fixed the issue and gave us cheaper rate for one day of rental:) Cool ... so off we went to enjoy more mountains, deep lakes, sunny weather....
Ohh uppps, the sunny weather is something we should enjoy really hard here as the weather is changing quite a lot to rain, mist, wind and really low temperature. OK, you don't complain about weather in New Zealand, we are not far from the south pole and it is kind of autumn. So we take it with a smile on our face and think about it as more mystical and more beautiful for our photos. 
We got until Te Anau, small town by a beautiful lake and booked a sea kayaking for the next day. As I said, the weather was beautiful and we couldn't wait to see the beautiful sceneries and imagine Frodo carrying his ring and being on the same fjord as us... We woke up in the morning, it was dark, rainy, windy.... but we were still optimistic (as it is an island and the weather changes quickly). We were still optimistic even when the guy from the kayjak company came and said that we need to wait a bit more to see if the weather gets better and we were still hoping when we were in the kayjak fighting the waves, wind and the rain. Now we really felt like a little hobbit (with our hoods on), fighting against the dark power, carrying the ring... It was amazing! It stopped raining even for a little bit and we could enjoy the mountains and waterfalls around us... Truly hobbit experience!
Now we are in Queenstown, which is quite high above the sea level, so you can see snow on the top of the mountains and we are happy we have our jackets and jumpers. It is beautiful here... (almost good for skiing:) - so next time if there is no snow in Europe, here is a tip for all the people who love to ski!:)
Enjoy the spring in Europe, we are sending you autumn greetings from New Zealand!
Ty jsi vlezla do kajaku? To si nepamatuješ, jak jsi tehdy spadla do říčky u Ivany na prázdninách? :D
Hey Hobbits!
It is the first time that it is actually better weather here compared to yours! It makes me feel gooood! :) Global warming is good for the UK actually, so not sure what's the fuss about it really. I might even stay here forever if this is the case. .:-)
Anyway, chin up, keep the smiles going cos at least you don't have to work! Yuck! :-)
Congratulations on passing the German Exam and by the way, was Pedro nudie in Queensland? ENJOY!!!
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