... With Richard!
As always we have changed our plans a little bit and stayed in Seoul for one more day. We couldn't resist the party and the BBQ invitatons from our hosts, and as Richard (who we were meeting in Japan) was arriving two days after us so we had some leeway. We have made it again with Asiana Airines to Tokyo and got 90 days entry visa to Japan without any problems. Another stamp on our passport, another country before us. This one is special, as is Richard, who is joining us for 14 days and who had planned the whole journey (which made Pedro extremely happy and he is taking a break from planning and organising).
Arriving to Japan left us without a mobile phone as the roaming is not working and we can't buy a new SIM card, but if we wanted we could rent one:)! This made the initial communication with Richard a bit complicated, but we have managed and met at the right time, on the right subway station:) It was great to see a friendly and familiar face again and we have 14 days to explore Japan together.

Off we go, exploring Tokyo, from the beautiful flat of our first host, beautiful Hitomi and her mom, who welcomed us straight away with a most delicious japanese meal (what better way to start the trip?), and continued as the most gracious guide to this wonderful metropolis. Tokyo is a collection of many different, huge towns all put together into a giant metropolis, full of neon lights and modern buildings but aswell shrines and temples rebuilt from the successive 20th century disasters which raided this city, earthquakes and air raids (the lovers of japanese gardens would have to wait for other photos as Tokyo is not famous for its greenery)...

Takayama is a very small town, where we ventured out to see an impressive collection of old Japanese homes brought here from all over the country, a walk in an impressive forest where on top of many old temples we also glimpsed a most impressively long snake, and chilled out with our anglo-american english-teaching hosts!
Tomorrow we go to Kyoto, immortalised recently in Hollywood through the Geisha film, where we go seeking new gardens and bonsais, kimonos and, most importantly, more of the delicious japanese sushi!
Hey Lenka and Pedro,
Glad to read that life is going allright on the other side of the globe!
I guess it was not that easy to find a cybercafé in Japan, but you made it! Well done ;-)
Btw, could you please bring me some Abarth spare parts (eg Campagnolo rims), as Japan is THE place where all genuine Abarth go soon or later......
Take care.
"JB et ses drôles de dames"
Hey Lenka, Pedro and RICHARD!!! :-)Well, you've made it then! Good to see you altogether again! :-) Just wanted to say hi and wish you good travels. PS: I have had my phone stolen on my holiday, and gmail wiped out all my contacts as well, so have no emails for you guys. Can u pls email me again? Thanks and kisses for all. xx xx xx :-)
Hey there LP!
Hope ur enjoying ur time in far away Nippon!
Cant wait to see a picture of mount Fuji taken on Fuji film hehehe:)
As far as exotic goes nothing beats Lenka in a kimono! Czech geishas rule:)
Summer is reaching Portugal and it feels good:) See you soon and have fun you 2.
Hi guys, believe you know my brother Will Bryson! I'm coincidentally also in Tokyo exploring :) Small world.
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