Friday 17 November 2006

Somewhere in France...

Unbelievable! It is true...! Our 9 months sabbatical leave was approved and we will be leaving soon on our dream journey Around The World... Sounds just great and we were (and are) so happy about it, but afterwards you just start thinking, what all has to be done before the trip (or it is more me who starts thinking...:-) Before letting you know all of this, the most important decision was of course our itinerary and it took us some time to combine it all, but... we successed and all is done:
Bangkok(to celebrate New Year's Eve) - travel around Thailand - across to Cambodia for couple of days - by train to Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur) - Singapore - take a plane to Australia (travel with caravan a bit around) - New Zealand (both islands) - Hong Kong - Makau (visit Pedro's family - no they are not Chinese:-) - by bus/train across China (to Shanghai - Beijing)- take a plane to South Korea (mainly Seoul) - Japan - Honolulu (just to remember what beach is) - US: San Francisco (hire car - and go through US: Los Angeles, San Diego, New Orleans, Miami.... New York....) - Canada - and back home!
=> I guess - it doesnt't sound so bad!
I have decided to let you know little bit what is going to happen with us on our journey, how we prepared for it and how is it going so far. All will be in English (as a mutual language) , but - nekdy si budu muset ulevit a napsat taky neco cesky (sorry!, can't help myself sometimes:-)... We will post pictures, stories and we hope you will let us know as well that you miss us! and you look forward when we will be back:) So for introduction I guess this is enough. I will do my best to update this as much as possible... be patient with me....


Anonymous said...

Wow! Sounds very exciting, I can't wait to read about your adventures. Thanks for sharing with us, and fingers of mine are crossed for you two :) Have fun!

Anonymous said...

bem eu penso que nao posso traduzir o ingles mas desejo-lhes uma boa decouverta pelo mundo que vao atravessar muitas felicidades


Anonymous said...

bonne et heureuse année 2007