... we have realised that it is just one month before the journey. We will be leaving on 21th December for Christmas holidays to see our families and 28th December is the magic date, when we´ll get into the plane and will fly to Bangkok... Almost all is prepared! Which gives me a huge relief! As Pedro is saying I care too much and should relax, but when I see our to-do list getting shorter, I can sleep easier again! I know a woman:)
So all the visas are done and I had a very dificult experience at the Canadian embassy in Prague, which drove me almost crazy and we have almost decided not to visit Canada, but the clever people decided afterwards they will allow me to see the Niagara falls from the other side (which is apparently the best spot to make a photo - so look forward)
We are in the middle of packing and preparing the flat to sublet. So we had to get our lovely birds to my parents. Moc moc moc dekuju, ze se o ne postarate. Doufam, ze nebudou moc zlobit. Ale jsou to zlaticka, ze jo? So a lovely photo for us not to forget and for others to see how they are gorgeous. May be my parents will put some nice and interesting comments about them (hopefully not in the English style :-)
And the last thing, we have to to prepare, but gives a big pleasure, is our house -leaving party. Even my lovely sis will come over and help us to empty our bar:) ... So for the people who can´t make it, wait for some update.
Anyway... will leave you alone now as I am going to read something more about Malaysia. It looks just great, but all this you will be able to read later on. Cross fingers for us:)
Yo good luck
you backpackers! ensure you post a photo once a month, just to remind us how many things are out there, in the real world..
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