... we had a great "leaving do" party before our journey. So here a short note for you - who missed it and for you - who don't remember much:). As most of you have seen the invitation, you remember the main theme of the party - which was: Empty the bar. Of course, there were some people, who didn't read it properly and brought some more bottles with them, which meant, that the bar looked exactly the same at the end of the party as in the beginning (please for more details, do check the picasa pictures, as they do speak for themselves:). It will be the best anyway, if you look at the photos, as there is not much to say... or I am missing proper expressions for most of the moments from that night... It couldn't have been so bad though, as the neighbours didn't complain and they even gave us a smile next morning (they never smile at us!!! - may be they know that we are leaving:)
Thanks all of you, who could make it, as it was fantastic party and we loved to have you all around. Be ready for: " Fill in the bar party theme", when we are back! Should be fun as well....
It is so far.... All things are packed, the flat is empty (almost...) and we will be departing in one week to our first destination - Bangkok! I have packed yesterday and I have a really really small backpack:) I just feel that I really need to bring more stuff, but good thing is, that Pedro doesn't allow me (he is the man:)
For now on, I wish you all Merry Christmas, happy new year and all the best! Thanks for coming and reading this stuff, as this really encourage me to write more silly and unnecessary articles:) But may be, it is good to read sometimes something completely useless.... ahh my priorities are already changing and we haven't started travelling yet!
So keep up with us and look forward for some proper stuff too....
Looks like I missed a great party ! Top sister !!!!
Ahoj Lenko a Pedro.
Prejeme Vam s Kacenkou moc krasny a stastny cestovani. uzijte si to a nezapomente se vratit..... :-)
Hey Lenka and Pedro, it's Rad....I made it back home, yet (Pedro don't laugh, pleeeaaase!) - I managed to miss my flight from FRA by just two minutes :-)))) Oleg did make it and arrived in Moscow 5 hours earlier then me ;-)
The party was awesome! Let's do it again....in ....I say 9 months time.....
...ooops, forgot to sign, it's Rad (of course, the 2006 all-Cheese award winner)
Ohohohhh, i wish i could help you to empty this famous bar :)
Happy New Year!
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